Saturday, August 25, 2012

Why effective communication skills are important for me

Effective communication skills are important for me and there could be several following reasons.

First, my schoolmates come from different corners of the world. And as an international undergraduate in such a multi-cultural environment, it requires me to enhance communication skills and learn new ways to get along well with new friends of various backgrounds. To be more precise, effective communication skills are significant in dealing with expected and unexpected situations when my group needs to finish an assignment in time. This kind of internal communicating is also essential for the team integrity and cohesiveness. Nowadays, when companies are competing with each other, the winners always have a strong culture within them and it can be seen as a sign of high cohesiveness.

Second, when a team is selling their ideas, the importance of effective communication arises. Based on the first point, they need to make themselves understood, and even better, remembered by the customers. So, as a potential team member, it is my responsibility to be a good listener as well as a good speaker. Every team member is like a necessary gear for the whole team’s run. There is no excuse for me to stop when everyone is pursuing a bigger win.

Third, effective communication skills can help to reduce the risk and to avoid potential threats. One example is that in the future we may encounter situations where the every single word we use counts. Negotiation needs quite a high standard of this and the real world is full of negotiations. Make no mistake, a good command of effective communication skills will win you more chance.    

These are the most representative reasons that I picked up and it is nonsense if we just know this, we need to make a action.        


  1. Hi! You have precisely expressed the essentiality of the effective communication and I think the aspects that you have highlighted are a motivation to every student. I completely agree with the importance of internal communication within a group. In fact, this communication is crucial for creation of ‘synergy’ in any group. By this, I mean that the productivity of group will be higher than the simple addition of the productivity of each member.
    I was impressed by the interesting point that communication reduces risks and threats. I think it would be even more interesting to put it as “status and positions are sometimes endangered due to improper communication”. It is evident that in some cases the celebrities and political leaders get into trouble when they are asked to debate or give explanation. Even a micro expression noticed on their face can reveal that they are not speaking the truth as shown in the video Secrets of Body Language (Present on the ES2007S facebook page).
    I feel that your blog is excellent and makes the reader think about the diverse ideas that you have discussed.

  2. Hey.
    I think your blog is insightful that you used different examples to show communication skills are important.
    Communication skill allows you make friends easier. It allows you express your idea clearly. It reduces the risk of making misunderstanding. I agree with you that good communication skill gives people advantages in many ways.
    As Dinesh mentioned body language and celebrities making improper facial expression, I recommended an awesome American drama called. It is starred by Tim Roth. This show provides scientific explanation and interesting examples about body language, in a dramatic way (because it is a drama). I promise it is better than our lecture notes.
    For Yangmo you mentioned that you are too shy to give speech in class. Actually I felt the same way. It is not easy to speak out in a second language, especially when you are not costumed to it. To overcome this period, watching English dramas and cartoons really helps a lot. You need any recommendation?

  3. It is extremely useful to see yourself as a cog in the wheel or machine which works towards success of a propject or even an organization because even the smallest of roles is a significant one in the larger scheme of things where communication is concerned. If every single member of a department or team sees himself/ herself as being a significant contriutor to the end product, then the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

  4. Hi YangMo!
    I think you have very critically picked up some very important reasons of having good communication skills in a professional setting. Its good to see that you dwell so much on not just your job in the team but also about the success of the team effort as a whole.
